Université Conseil Services
Université Conseil Services
Université Conseil Services
Université Conseil Services





Madame, Monsieur,


Je tenais à vous remercier à nouveau pour votre lettre de recommandation qui a été fort utile sachant que j'ai été acceptée à Royal Holloway et Queen Mary.....

Encore merci,




'Our family is grateful to you for all of the help and support you gave to both J....and S...... With your help they were both able to enter their top choice of university. Thank you so much for all of your efforts'


Cher Monsieur,


Je vous remercie pour votre acceuil sympathique et chaleureux qui a redonné confiance à A........qui ne croyait plus guère à la possibilité d'aller aux USA.


Thank you very much Mrs Jackson. I told Mrs A....what a fantastic help you have been to us.

Best regards,



What could I say ????? Thank You, you're the best !!


After several tries and interruptions, I was finally able to add what I needed to my educational information on my UCAS account; The application is now complete, I am extremely grateful to you for being so patient with my case........


Comment nous joindre

Université Conseil Services
22 rue Lalande 

75014 Paris
Téléphone/Fax : +33  (0) 1 43226945

Heures d'ouverture 09h30-13h00 14h00-18h30 Monday to Friday, emergencies only to 0613240587 outside of these hours, thank you


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